Paul Mahoney

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Sir Paul John Mahoney KCMG (born September 6, 1946 in London ) is a British lawyer, judge and former President of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (EuGD).


He studied law at the University of Oxford and University College London . From 1974 to 1990 he worked in the administration of the European Court of Human Rights . He then moved to the Council of Europe as HR manager for three years . In 1993 he returned to the administration of the European Court of Human Rights. In 2001 he was appointed Registrar of the Court of Justice.

Mahoney was appointed Judge and First President of the newly established Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union on October 6, 2005. His term ended on October 6, 2011. On June 27, he was elected judge at the European Court of Human Rights. He took up this position on November 1, 2012. He retired in 2016. His successor as representative of Great Britain at the ECHR was Tim Eicke .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Election of five new judges to the European Court of Human Rights

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