Paul Rebillot

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Paul Rebillot (born May 19, 1931 in Detroit , † February 11, 2010 in San Francisco ) was an American author and psychotherapist , known for his concept of the hero's journey .


Paul Rebillot studied philosophy and theater at the University of Michigan . In 1958 he graduated with a Masters Degree in Education and Theater Art . After a deep personal crisis, Paul Rebillot withdrew from his work and began to meditate intensely. In meditation he experienced extraordinary states of consciousness, which aroused an interest in psychology and psychotherapy in him and eventually brought him to the Esalen Institute in California, where he was trained in Gestalt therapy by Dick Price and got to know Joseph Campbell and his mythology.


In 1968 Rebillot founded the Gestalt Fool Theater Family , which, based on psychodrama and drama therapy, experimented with a combination of theater, ritual and therapy. In 1988 he founded the school for gestalt and empirical theory in Switzerland, which sought to convey a connection between gestalt theory and gestalt therapy with theater, ritual, myth and group processes in a three-year professional training course. Since 1996, together with Ilse Schmidt-Zimmermann, he has led a new training course for rituals of transition in Frankfurt for four years. Rebillot taught for over 25 years at the "Esalen Institute" as well as at various centers for self-awareness and personal development in Europe. He received a scholarship from Leonard Rockefeller to continue work on his book.

His concept The Hero's Journey ( The Hero's Journey ) is a formative therapeutically oriented group seminar of three to five days in which the theses of mythologist according to Joseph Campbell followed the universal task of the heroes and heroines of all cultures. This includes the stages "Call and Challenge", "Fear and Threshold of Awakening", "Companion" and a (fantasy) journey to a magical land in which "inner tasks" have to be met: The confrontation of "your own heroic side" with "your own demon side", and the gain of a reward in clearing your own powers. The final task is to return to the real world with this new experience, which should bring more clarity, security and openness towards the environment.

The other therapeutic group dynamic processes he developed include: The Lovers ("The Lover's Journey"), The Search for the Inner Man and Woman ("Quest for the Inner Man and Woman"), The Shadow ("Owning the Shadow "), the demon you-you shall cast out (" Exorcising the demon Should "), death and resurrection (" death and resurrection ") and rituals of change (" rituals of transformation ").


  • (with Melissa Kay): The Hero's Journey. The adventure of creative self-awareness . Eagle Books Wasserburg 2016 (2), ISBN 978-3-9813672-0-1 . (Original title: The Call to Adventure. Bringing the Hero's Journey to Daily Life . Harper Collins, San Francisco 1993)


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