Paul Wanke

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Paul Wanke was a German handball player .


Paul Wanke was a police officer by profession. As a sports-loving handball player, he was a member of the SV Hamburg Police . Because of his sporting achievements, he soon played in the first team of his club, with which he won the title of German champion in 1951 . For this, he and the entire championship team were awarded the Silver Laurel Leaf by Federal President Theodor Heuss on December 1, 1951 .

Paul Wanke was then a member of the German national handball team , with which he won the world championship in field handball in 1952 . Wanke also belonged to the field handball team that took part in the 1955 World Cup for Germany and was again world champion. On June 28, 1952 he was awarded the silver bay leaf for the second time for winning the world championship.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Sports report from the federal government to the Bundestag from September 29, 1973 - printed matter 7/1040 - page 59
  2. Sport complete, field handball welding championship