Paulus Paulirinus de Praga

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Pavel Žídek
copperplate engraving by Johann Balzer (1772)

Paulus Paulirinus [ Pavel Žídek ] de Praga (* 1413 in Prague, † after 1471) was a Bohemian universal scholar.

As a child of Jewish parents, he studied philosophy at the University of Vienna and medicine at the University of Padua , possibly also Bologna. He converted to Catholicism and was ordained a priest. In 1443 he became a professor at the University of Prague and later at the University of Krakow .

Between 1459 and 1463 he wrote a large scientific encyclopedia in two parts: Encyclopedia Scientarum or Liber XX Artium , and Opus Magicum . According to the traditional view, it was written by the devil himself and was therefore hidden under a marble slab for three centuries. It was not until the late 18th century that this superstition was overcome, according to which the content of this colossal work was first studied. The only known copy of the manuscript is in the Jagiellońska Library in Kraków and consists of 359 pages, but only covers 15 of the original 20 articles. Ten of them deal with musica instrumentalis . The description of various instruments, including monochord , clavichord , harpsichord ( harpsichord ), is still complete.


Bernard Brauchli: Cambridge Musical Texts and Monographs - The Clavichord (1998) [1] - ISBN 0521630673

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