Pavel Janáček

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Pavel Janáček during the 5th World Congress of Bohemian Studies

Pavel Janáček (born January 16, 1968 in Prague ) is a Czech literary historian and critic. His main interests include popular literature and the literary culture of the 19th and especially the 20th centuries . More recently he has specialized primarily in the history of censorship and the social regulation of literature.


After he was unable to enroll in the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague for political reasons , he studied at the University of Economics in Prague . From 1990 to 1995 he was a cultural journalist for Lidové noviny and then from 1995 to 1996 he was editor of the magazine Tvar. Since 1995 he has been working at the Institute for Czech Literature (Ústav pro českou literaturu) of the Czech Academy of Sciences . There he initially worked in the Department of Contemporary Literature before founding the Department for Research on Literary Culture in 2003. He has been the director of the institute since 2010. From 2003 to 2010 he also taught at the Institute for Czech Literature and Comparative Literature at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. He regularly directs and moderates the program “Slovo o literatuře” (A word on literature) on the Vltava radio station of the Czech Radio , where he discusses new publications in Czech fiction with changing guests.


  • with Michal Jareš: Svět rodokapsu. Komentovaný soupis sešitových románových edic 30. a 40. let 20. století. Karolinum, Praha 2013, ISBN 978-80-246-0640-8 .
  • Literární brak: operace vyloučení, operace nahrazení, 1938–1951 . Host, Brno 2004, ISBN 80-7294-129-1 .
  • with Hana Dočekalová and others: Sedm století Slavětína: malá knížka k velkému výročí obce. Obec Slavětín, Slavětín 2014, ISBN 978-80-260-6161-8 .
  • with Michael Wögerbauer , Petr Píša , Petr Šámal u. a .: V obecném zájmu. Cenzura a sociální regulace literatury v moderní české kultuře, 1749–2014. Academia - Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, Prague 2015, ISBN 978-80-200-2491-6 .
  • Petr Šámal, Tomáš Pavlíček, Vladimír Barborík, Pavel Janáček (eds.): Literární kronika první republiky. Události - díla - souvilosti. Academia - Památník národního písemnictví - Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, Prague 2018, ISBN 978-80-200-2909-6 . (Literary Chronicle of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Events - Works - Connections)

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