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legal form Corporation
ISIN KZ1C49190016
founding 2002
Seat Pavlodar , Kazakhstan
management Oleg Perfilov (General Director)
Number of employees 5,189 (2018)
sales 52.0 billion tenge (2018)
Branch power supply
As of December 31, 2018

Pavlodarenergo ( Russian Павлодарэнерго ; English Pavlodarenergo ) is an energy company in Kazakhstan with headquarters in Pavlodar . It operates three power plants and supplies a large part of the Pavlodar area with electricity. It is a subsidiary of the Central-Asian Electric Power Corporation .


Pavlodarenergo received a loan of 30 million US dollars from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in December 2007 for the modernization of the power plant near Pavlodar.

In the 2009 financial year, the company generated sales of around 18 billion tenge (approx. 90 million euros).

Corporate structure

Pavlodarenergo is a regional energy supplier in the Pavlodar region , which supplies around 225,000 customers with electricity and around 170,000 customers in the cities of Ekibastus and Pavlodar with heat. Pavlodarenergo is divided into the following companies:

  • Pavlodarskaja Raspredelitelnaja Elektrossetewaja Kompanija (Павлодарская Распределительная Электросетевая Компания): Transmission and distribution of electricity in Pavlodaru region and the cities of Aqlodar
  • Pavlodarskije teplowyje seti (Павлодарские тепловые сети): transfer and distribution of heat in the cities of Ekibastus and Pavlodar
  • Pavlodarenergosbyt (Павлодарэнергосбыт): sales of electricity in the Pavlodar region and the cities of Aqsu and Pavlodar, sales of heat in the Pavlodar region and the cities of Aqsu, Ekibastus and Pavlodar
  • Ekibastusteploenergo (Экибастузтеплоэнерго): sale of electricity in the city of Ekibastus

Pavlodarenergo Power Plants:

investment Power [MW] Installation fuel
Ekibastus thermal power station 12 1956 coal
Pavlodar-2 thermal power station 110 1961 coal
Pavlodar-3 thermal power station 555 1972 coal

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Annual Report 2018. Pavlodarenergo, accessed on July 28, 2020 (English; PDF).
  2. EBRD provides $ 30 million loan for upgrading of PavlodarEnergo power plant (English)
  3. ^ Structure., accessed on July 28, 2020 (English).