Pedro G. Vieira

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Pedro G. Vieira (* 1982 ) is a Portuguese theoretical physicist.

Vieira studied at the University of Porto and was at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics near Potsdam. He is at the Perimeter Institute in Canada.

He deals with exact solutions of quantum field theories . In 2009 he and colleagues succeeded in proving the exact solvability and the exact determination of the spectrum and other quantities such as scattering amplitudes of a special four-dimensional quantum field theory, the planar N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory for any interaction strength. He used holography (AdS / CFT correspondence on superstrings according to Juan Maldacena ).

In 2015 he received the Gribov Medal and he became a Sloan Fellow that same year . For 2018 he was awarded the Sackler Prize in Physics and for 2020 the New Horizons in Physics Prize .


  • with Nikolay Gromov, Vladimir Kazakov: Exact Spectrum of Anomalous Dimensions of Planar N = 4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 103, 2009, p. 131601
  • with Niklas Beisert a . a .: Review of AdS / CFT Integrability: An Overview, Lett Math. Phys., 99, 2012, 3, Arxiv

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