Pedro de Alcântara Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

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Pedro de Alcântara Cavalcanti de Albuquerque (born November 26, 1884 - May 18, 1960 ) was a Brazilian general .


Alcântara Cavalcanti de Albuquerque completed an officer training in the army ( Exército Brasileiro ) of the armed forces (Forças Armadas do Brasil) and subsequently found various uses as an officer and staff officer. He was between 2 February 1925, the May 19, 1929 commander of the 1st Cavalry Regiment and was as such on 23 June 1927 only to Lieutenant Colonel and on July 4, 1929 Colonel promoted. After other assignments, he was head of cabinet in the War Ministry between 1932 and 1933 and, from 1933 to 1934, during the absence of Augusto Inácio do Espírito Santo Cardoso, acting Minister of War. On January 18, 1934, he was promoted to brigadier general and served as deputy chief of the general staff between 1935 and 1937. Later he was after his promotion to major general on January 23, 1941 commander of the 5th military region (5.ª Região Militar) and between May 26, 1942 and 1942 commander of the 4th military region (4.ª Região Militar) , before he of 1942 to 1943 was Inspector General of the 1st Group of Military Regions. In December 2016 he succeeded General Emílio Lúcio Esteves, who had died in a car accident, as the successor as General Inspector of the 2nd Group of the Military Regions. His last position was between 1947 and 1948 as commander-in-chief of the Central Military Zone.

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