Per-Olof Serenius

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Per-Olof "Posa" Serenius (* 1948 in Gävle ) is a Swedish ice speedway driver. He was individual world champion in 1991 and 1995 and team world champion with Sweden in 1985 and 1995.


In 1972 Serenius began his career as a motorcycle trailer driver, but then switched to enduro and in 1976 to ice speedway. He quickly established himself there and reached the final round in 1978, where he was only 13th after a fall. In 1982 he became individual world champion in Inzell , where he was also team world champion with Sweden in 1985. After becoming vice world champion in 1991 and 1994, he won the double at the age of 41 by becoming individual and team world champion.

“Posa” Serenius runs ice speedway as an amateur and works full-time as a fire fighter in his local Gävle. He enjoys riding Harley-Davidson and mountain bikes. With the documentary "Icy Rider" (2008), Bengt Löfgren gives an insight into the long, professional career of "Posa".

Individual evidence

  1. Interview from September 7, 2009

Web links