Perla Suez

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Perla Suez, 2014

Perla Suez (born November 28, 1947 in Córdoba (Argentina) ) is an Argentine writer .


Perla Suez was born as Perla Iagupski, but over time she decided to use her married name Suez for her literary works. She spent the first years of her childhood in Basavilbaso , studied modern foreign languages at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and went to Sèvres in 1977 on a grant from the French government . After the end of the Argentine military dictatorship, she returned to her native country, where she founded the CEDILIJ center for the research and dissemination of children's and youth literature in 1983, which she headed until 1994. From 1985 she began to work as a writer herself, initially with books for children, later also for adults.


  • International White Ravens: 1993 and 1996
  • Finalist at the Premio Internacional de Novela Rómulo Gallegos: 2001 and 2013
  • John Simon Guggenheim Scholarship 2007
  • Premio Internacional de Novela Grinzane Cavour 2008
  • Premio Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2015 for El país del diablo



  • Letargo . Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2000 (New edition: Buenos Aires: Editorial Edhasa, 2014)
  • El arresto . Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2001
  • Complot . Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2004
  • Trilogía de Entre Ríos . Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2006
  • La pasajera . Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2008
  • Humo rojo . Buenos Aires: Editorial Edhasa, 2012
  • El país del diablo . Buenos Aires: Editorial Edhasa, 2015

Children's and young people's literature

Perla Suez has written numerous books for children and young people, which have also been translated into different languages.


In German

  • "Lethargy", in: With eyes in hand: Argentine Jews tell stories . Edited and translated by Erna Pfeiffer . Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag, 2014, pages 174–178

In English

  • The Entre Rios Trilogy . Translated by Rhonda Dhal Buchanan. Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 2006
  • Dreaming of the Delta . Translated by Rhonda Dhal Buchanan. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2014

In French

  • La Passenger . Traduction Mathias de Breyne. Lyon: Rouge Inside, 2012

In Italian

  • I fiumi della memoria . Traduzione Elena Rolla e Luigi Cojazzi. Milaon: Alacrán Edizioni, 2009


  • "You have not been able to erase our memory: Jewish-Argentine authors in conversation . Edited and translated by Erna Pfeiffer. Vienna: Löcker-Verlag, 2016 (Edition pen, 39)