Perlin noise

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two-dimensional perlin noise

Perlin noise is a fractal noise function based on pseudo-random gradient values. Due to the seemingly random appearance of Perlin Noise, it is often used in image synthesis to simulate natural phenomena such as clouds, landscape topologies or water. Perlin Noise is based on the superposition of frequencies. A different value is calculated for each pixel at the highest usable frequency. The lower the frequency, the more values ​​have to be interpolated between two pixels, which results in a flatter gradient. In many open world games e.g. B. Minecraft Perlin noise is used to create randomly generated terrain.

The texture synthesis goes back to Ken Perlin , who developed it in 1982 for the film Tron , for which he won an Oscar in 1997 .


In 2001, Perlin introduced the Simplex Noise , which requires less computing power.
