Perlodes microcephala

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Perlodes microcephala
Perlodes microcephalus.jpg

Perlodes microcephala

Subclass : Flying insects (Pterygota)
Superordinate : New winged wing (Neoptera)
Order : Stoneflies (Plecoptera)
Family : Perlidae
Genre : Perlodes
Type : Perlodes microcephala
Scientific name
Perlodes microcephala
( Pictet , 1833)

Perlodes microcephala is aspecies of stonefly .

Characteristics of the larvae

The body becomes 15 to 25 millimeters long and is slightly flattened. It is yellowish in color and has dark markings. The head and pronotum are equally wide. The outer edge of the front wing sheaths is approximately parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body, whereas the outer edge of the rear wing sheaths protrudes obliquely. The abdominal segments 1 to 4 of the tergites and sternites are separated. Tracheal gills are not present. A strong bristle border can be seen on the thighs and rails of all legs . The first and second segment of the tarsi are the same length. The third tarsal link is three times as long as the first and second combined.

Occurrence and way of life

The distribution area includes all of Europe excluding Scandinavia. The larvae of the species are found mainly in rivers, rarely also in streams. They feed predatory. The generation period is one to two years. The flight time of the Imagines ranges from March to May

supporting documents

  • Herbert W. Ludwig: Animals and plants of our waters . BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-405-16487-7 .

Web links

Commons : Perlodes microcephalus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files