Majorero Canario

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Majorero Canario
Majorero Canario
Not from the FCI recognized

Origin :

Spain , Canary Islands

Alternative names:

Perro Majorero, Bardino, Perro Bardino Majorero

Withers height:

Males 57-63 cm, bitches 55-61 cm


Male 30–45 kg, female 25–35 kg

List of domestic dogs

The Majorero Canario is a Spanish breed of dog . It is recognized by the Real Sociedad Canina de España (RSCE), which represents Spain in the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The RSCE leads the breed in Group 1, Section 1, Standard No. 402 . The breed is not recognized by the FCI itself. In addition, the breed is listed by the FAO in the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System as a dog breed of Spain. There the name Perro Majorero is given as the most common name, and Bardino is listed as another name.

Origin and history

The Majorero Canario is a very old breed of dog. His name means something like "dog of the locals" (Majorero: inhabitant of Fuerteventura ). The term “Perro de Ganado” also means nothing else than herding dog. (Perro: dog, ganado: cattle breeding). A "Perro de Ganado Majorero" thus a "cattle herding dog on Fuerteventura" d. H. a "goat herding dog" in the original sense.

The writer and historian José Viera y Clavijo describes the Majorero Canario as follows:

“... apart from his graceful figure, his liveliness, his courage and his speed, he has that fine and rare feeling that allows him to enter into a relationship with humans. He understands the dignity of people, fights for their safety, obeys and helps them, defends and loves them ... and knows exactly how to acquire the love of their owner. "


The Majorero Canario is a medium-sized and robust-looking dog. The height at the withers (shoulder height) of the male is given in the standard as 57 to 63 cm, that of the bitch as 55 to 61 cm. There is a tolerance of 2 cm upwards or downwards for both sexes. The weight required for males is 30 to 45 kg and for females 25 to 35 kg.

The coat is smooth-and short-haired, the coat color is deep black beige with light passing over into the gray brindle . The Majorero Canario can also be called Verdino (verde = green) due to its greenish coat color . Another breed characteristic are single or double dewclaws on the hind paws.


Mixtures, like the mongrel shown in the photo, which often have the same task as majoreros, are often called "majorero" for the sake of simplicity if they are brindle

The Majorero Canario is a calm, balanced and alert dog. As a herding dog, he has little hunting instinct. He is usually open-minded and friendly towards other pets. He is not a beginner dog and, like all other dogs, needs consistent training.


The Majorero Canario is used in the Canaries as a herding , companion , family and guard dog .

Individual evidence

  1. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the FAO

Web links

Commons : Majorero Canario  - collection of images, videos and audio files