Peruque Point

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Peruque Point
Geographical location
Peruque Point (South Georgia)
Peruque Point
Coordinates 54 ° 8 ′  S , 36 ° 49 ′  W Coordinates: 54 ° 8 ′  S , 36 ° 49 ′  W
location South Georgia
Waters Fortuna Bay
Waters 2 Anchorage Bay

The Peruque Point is a headland on the north coast of South Georgia . It lies on the west bank of Fortuna Bay and marks the southern limit of the entrance to Anchorage Bay .

Her name was first recorded on a map of the British Admiralty from 1931. The name was probably given in 1929 by scientists from the British Discovery Investigations and is derived from the French perruque for wig .

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