Peter Fuss

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Peter Fuss (* 1932 in Berlin ) is an American philosopher . In 1939 he emigrated to the United States with his parents. From 1969 until his retirement he was professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri in St. Louis .


Peter Fuss was born in Berlin in 1932; Just in time, his parents were able to emigrate with him to the USA in 1939. He grew up in New York, graduated from Harvard University with a PhD, taught as a lecturer in philosophy from 1961 to 1969 at the University of California at Riverside and was professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri from 1969 until his retirement St. Louis.

With his philosophical work, Peter Fuss ties in with the traditions of classical German philosophy and critical theory , but combines them with American traditions of political and speculative thought. He is one of the leading interpreters of German idealism - especially Hegel - in the United States. In a long-term research project, Peter Fuss is preparing a new, philosophically founded translation of GWF Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind into English. In addition to many other guest invitations, he accepted the Franz Rosenzweig visiting professorship at the University of Kassel in 1987 .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Moral Philosophy of Josiah Royce , Harvard 1965.
  • "Hannah Arendt's Conception of Political Community", in: Idealistic Studies III, 3 (1973).
  • "Some Perplexities in Nietzsche", in: Dialogues in Phenomenology , Hague 1975.
  • "Theory and Practice in Hegel and Marx: An Unfinished Dialogue", in: Political Theory and Practice: New Perspectives , Minneapolis 1977.
  • "Royce's on the Concept of Self: An Historical and Critical Perspective," in: American Philosophy from Edwards to Quine , Oklahoma 1977.
  • "Becoming What You Are: Some Paradoxes in Modern Conceptions of the Self", in: Essays in Honor of W. Werkmeister , Florida 1981.
  • "Spontaneity as Practice: Towards an Intellectual Biography of Ulrich Sonnemann", in: Gottfried Heinemann and Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (eds.), Sabotage des Schicksals. For Ulrich Sonnemann , Tübingen 1982.
  • "The Two-in-One; Self-Identity in Thought, Conscience, and Judgment", in: Idealistic Studies , XVIII, 3 (1988).
  • "But of Course the Rational is the Actual and the Other Way Around", in: Contemporary Social Thought , ed. OA Robinson and Joseph Bien, Armstrong 1989.
  • "Kant's Teleology of Nature", in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Studies Conference (1991).
  • "Passion and the Genesis of Self-Consciousness," in: Publications of the Missouri Philological Association , XVII (1992).
  • “'Oldsmobil' - a real American from Berlin” as well as “Absolute concepts and experiences in their emancipatory ability”, both in: Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (ed.), Visualizations of the destroyed Jewish heritage. Franz Rosenzweig guest lectures Kassel 1987-1998 , Kassel 1997.

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