Peter Grigoryevich Sobolewski

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Peter Grigoryevich Sobolewski

Peter Grigoryevich Sobolewski , Russian Пётр Григорьевич Соболевский , (born February 15, 1782 in Saint Petersburg ; † November 5, 1841 ibid) was a Russian chemist and engineer.

Sobolewski attended the cadet institute in Saint Petersburg and after graduating in 1798 was a colonel in the corps of Russian mining engineers. In 1804 he left the army and became an employee at the Saint Petersburg Business School. He then worked, among other things, in the Urals on the construction of steam ships for the Kama River . In 1826 he became head of the metallurgy laboratory at the Office for Mining and Salt Extraction.

Sobolewski invented a thermal lamp for gas lighting, developed a process to produce metallic platinum from powdered, chemically obtained platinum (pioneer of powder metallurgy) with which the minting of platinum coins succeeded, improved the ventilation of blast furnaces (preheated air) and developed a method of silver in 1837 to separate from gold with sulfuric acid.

In 1830 he became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg.

The mineral sobolevskite is named after him.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sobolevskite . In: John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, Monte C. Nichols (Eds.): Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America . 2001 (English, [PDF; 61 kB ; accessed on August 19, 2020]).