Peter Prokosch

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Peter Lutz Prokosch (* 1952 in Lüdenscheid ) is a German biologist and former Managing Director of GRID-Arendal in Norway UNEP Global Resource Information Database .


Peter Prokosch went to the Rudolf Steiner School in Wuppertal, did his community service at the Wadden Sea Protection Station on Hallig Langeness and was a co-founder of the North Sea Wadden Association during his studies in Kiel, a movement that led to the designation of the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea as a national park. He is married and now lives in Norway with his wife Susanne Prokosch and 4 children.


Prokosch studied biology and oceanography at the Universities of Kiel and Bonn . He completed his diploma with a thesis on the ecology of the Brent Goose (Branta b. Bernicla) and received his doctorate in 1988 with a dissertation in zoology on the function of the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea as a resting area for Arctic waders ( Pluvialis squatarola , Calidris canutus and Limosa lapponica ).

From 1984 to 1992 he was head of the WWF's Wadden Sea Office in Husum. In 1992 he became director of the WWF International Arctic Program in Oslo . From 2002 to 2006 he was managing director of WWF Germany in Frankfurt am Main . From 2006 to 2014 he was Managing Director of GRID-Arendal - A Center Collaborating with UNEP United Nations Environment Program-Global Resource Information Database in Norway. Since 2014 he has headed the NGO Linking Tourism and Conservation, which he co-founded .


Individual evidence

  3. Linking Tourism and Conservation: About the Board , accessed May 5, 2017.