Peter Volk

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Peter Volk (born November 10, 1937 , † April 11, 2016 ) was a German art historian .

He received his doctorate from the University of Frankfurt in 1964 and was then initially employed at the Kunstgewerbemuseum in Cologne . From 1971 until his retirement in 2002 he worked as a specialist in sculpture and painting from 1550 and for miniatures at the Bavarian National Museum in Munich. There he was appointed deputy general director in 1984 and state curator in 1990 .

His specialty was sculpture from Rococo to Classicism .

He was married to the art historian Brigitte Volk-Knüttel, their daughter is the classical philologist Katharina Volk (* 1969).

Publications (selection)

  • Guillielmus de Grof (1776-1742). Studies on sculpture at the Kurbayrischer Hof in the 18th century. Dissertation, Frankfurt am Main 1966.
  • Rococo plastic . Hirmer, Munich 1981.
  • Johann Baptist Straub . Hirmer, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-7774-3650-X .
  • Ignaz Günther. Perfection of the Rococo . Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg 1991, ISBN 3-7917-1304-3 .

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