Petras Leonas

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Petras Leonas

Petras Leonas (born November 16, 1864 in Leskava , Prienai Rayon , † May 12, 1938 in Kaunas ) was a Lithuanian legal scholar, legal sociologist, lawyer , judge and politician.


From 1890 to 1893 Petras Leonas was a judge at the district court in Suvalkai . From 1918 to 1919 Petras Leonas was the Lithuanian Minister of Justice , and later Minister of the Interior . He then worked as a lecturer and professor at the university.


  • Rastai . TIC, Vilnius 2005.
  1. Teisės filosofijos istoria . 2005, ISBN 995-555757-5 .
  2. Teisės enciklopedijos paskaitos . 2005, ISBN 995-555763-X .
  3. Teisės publicistika . 2005, ISBN 995-555764-8 .