Sindelburg parish church

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Catholic parish church of St. John the Baptist in Sindelburg
Nave, view of the choir

The Sindelburg parish church is visible from afar on a hill in Kirchweiler Sindelburg in the market town of Wallsee-Sindelburg in the Amstetten district in Lower Austria . The Roman Catholic parish church , consecrated to St. John the Baptist , belongs to the Amstetten deanery in the diocese of St. Pölten . The church and the cemetery are under monument protection ( list entry ).


In the 11th century there was a manorial parish of the Sunilburgers, mentioned in 1111 as a parish. 1331/1336 a foundation of the Lords of Wallsee . From 1576 to 1627 the church was Protestant . With 1581 the parish has the oldest registers of the diocese of St. Pölten.

The year 1504 on the north portal mentions the late Gothic expansion of the church. There was a fire in 1750. There were restorations in 1893 and 1990.


The mighty late Gothic church building as an unequal two-aisled hall church with a long choir in the extension of the wider north aisle and a proposed west tower is surrounded by a cemetery.


The high altar with a classical tabernacle 1832 is flanked by monumental angel figures from the beginning of the 18th century. The two side altars of the same type in the choir as a wall retable around 1780 show altar leaves by Martin Johann Schmidt 1781, on the left the picture St. Sebastian prays for plague sufferers, flanked by statues Rosalia and Rochus, on the right the image of St. Leonhard as the patron saint of the farmers flanked by the statues Isidor and Notburga. The side altar in the side aisle bears a tabernacle with a group of Christ on the cross with Maria Magdalena from the middle of the 18th century. The pulpit around 1680 has evangelist statuettes on the basket and trumpet angels on the sound cover.

The sculptor Robert Herfert created the folk altar in 1990.

In the late baroque-classical organ case by Peter Hötzel 1797 is a work by Gregor Hradetzky 1965.

Funerary monuments

  • On the north wall of the nave, heraldic grave slab Barbara von Schaunberg 1506 (last of the Wallsee) with the relief deer hunting under a branch canopy.
  • In the old sacristy three grave slabs lifted from the grave in 1990: Hans Reinprecht Reichenburg 1570 with alliance coat of arms, Salome Kölnpöck 1616, Nimrod Kölnpöck 1620, each with three zones with coat of arms.
  • Epitaph with coat of arms in the choir with chronogram Sigismund Engstler 1721.
  • On the choir wall priest grave stones from the 17th to 19th centuries, including Sigmund Aigner and Andreas Mundl, both 1516.


Web links

Commons : Pfarrkirche Sindelburg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 48 ° 9 '29.2 "  N , 14 ° 43' 0.9"  E