Phare de Chervil

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Phare de Chervil
Phare Port-Louis.jpg
Place: FranceFrance France , Riantec
Location: Morbihan , Brittany , France
Geographical location: 47 ° 42 '31.3 "  N , 3 ° 20' 14.9"  W Coordinates: 47 ° 42 '31.3 "  N , 3 ° 20' 14.9"  W.
Fire carrier height : 25 m
Phare de Chervil (Morbihan Department)
Phare de Chervil
Operating time: 1913-1989


Phare de Kerbel is the name of a lighthouse in the French commune of Riantec in the Morbihan department . It entered service in 1913 and replaced the Phare de Poulfanc from that point on . The beacon was extinguished in 1989 and the tower was then converted into a holiday apartment with a viewing dome.

See also

Web links

Commons : Phare de Kerbel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files