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PharmNet.Bund is a federal and state portal in Germany that enables the central recording, maintenance, exchange and presentation of drug data.

An essential component is the drug information system , which is created by the drug approval authorities Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). The German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) provides the technical platform for operating the databases. Some of the information is available to all citizens on the Internet. In addition to administrative data relating to drug approval , the information system already contains technical and usage information for a number of finished drugs , which can be viewed free of charge. The offer is continuously being expanded.

This gives German citizens who do not belong to a health care profession for the first time legal access to detailed product information (so-called specialist information or summary of the product characteristics ) for medicinal products authorized in Germany. The pharmaceutical manufacturers in Germany do not grant persons outside medical specialist circles access to detailed product information about their prescription drugs with reference to § 10 HWG ( Heilmittelwerbegesetz ).

The legal basis for the creation of the drug information system is § 34 AMG ( Drugs Act ).

The portal also currently enables various government agency applications as well as the electronic submission of change notifications for pharmaceutical companies . Further expansion stages included the establishment of a register for GMP- relevant data and documents, an administrative system for clinical studies ( study register ), the public blood stem cell register according to § 9 TFG ( Transfusion Act ) and the veterinary medicinal product release register .

Individual evidence

  1. 30/07 BfArM press release: Joint press release Pharmnet - Official data on pharmaceuticals publicly available on In: Press and public relations DIMDI, November 12, 2007, archived from the original on May 6, 2011 ; accessed on March 26, 2014 .

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