Philharmonic Choir Erfurt

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Philharmonic Choir Erfurt
Seat: Erfurt / Germany
Founding: 1994
Genus: mixed choir
Founder: Andreas Ketelhut
Head : Andreas Ketelhut
Voices : about 100
Website :

The Philharmonic Choir Erfurt eV was founded in 1994 by Andreas Ketelhut and has been under his artistic direction ever since.

In addition to an a cappella repertoire, the Erfurt Philharmonic Choir has dedicated itself to choral symphonies. In addition to independent concerts, he regularly acts as a partner of the Erfurt Theater , in various opera productions and at the DomStufen Festival , performances of Mahler's 2nd Symphony (2007) and the Christmas Oratorio by Richard Wetz (2007). In 2010, under the direction of George Alexander Albrecht, together with the Dombergchor Erfurt, the world premiere of this work was recorded on CD by the media publisher jpc (label cpo).

Concert tours led the choir a. a. to France, Italy ( St. Peter's Basilica ), Austria and various stations in Germany.