Philosophical-Political Academy

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The Philosophical-Political Academy is a registered non-profit association in Bonn to commemorate the work and further development of Leonard Nelson's work .


The Philosophical-Political Academy (PPA) was founded in 1922 on the initiative of the Göttingen philosopher Leonard Nelson. In 1923 she took over the sponsorship of the Walkemühle Landerziehungsheim near Melsungen-Adelshausen , which opened in May 1924 and was managed by Minna Specht . She also became the chair of the PPA after the death of Leonard Nelson in 1927.

To further support the PPA, the Society of Friends of the Philosophical-Political Academy was founded in 1928 , initiated by the

In the course of the takeover of power in 1933, the Walkemühle Landerziehungsheim was expropriated. After the Second World War , followers and students of Leonard Nelson found themselves again in 1949 and founded the association again under the same name. When it was re-founded - in contrast to the original founding - no connection to a political organization was sought. The main aim of the association was to make Leonard Nelson's scientific work accessible in order to enable reception and critical discussion. The property repatriated through reparation , which had been confiscated during the Nazi regime , served as the founding capital . After that, donations and bequests from friends were able to secure the financing.

In its history, the Academy has repeatedly awarded scientific prize tasks:

  • May 1, 1964: Subject of Leonard Nelson's philosophical justification of politics in its significance for the social sciences
  • 1970: Topic contributions to peace research in the work of Leonard Nelson
  • 1975: Subject of Leonard Nelson's contribution to the establishment of ethics as a science in the light of recent approaches to the development and justification of ethical teachings
  • 2000: Anti-Semitic and anti-Judaistic motives among Enlightenment thinkers

Association chair

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Printed price publications: H. Gronke et al .: Antisemitism in Kant and other thinkers of the Enlightenment . Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2001. ISBN 978-3826021442 .