Pierre Dulaine

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Pierre Dulaine

Pierre Dulaine (born April 1944 in Jaffa ) is a well-known dance teacher in New York. He teaches New York high society in his studio.

Dulaine's parents fled Palestine with him in 1948 and settled in Jordan . After the Suez crisis in 1956, his parents fled to England. There he began to dance, first with Rita Pova , later with Yvonne Marceau . After his career as a ballroom dancer, he settled in America in 1972 and founded his dance studio.

In the movie Dance! (Original title: Take The Lead ) with Antonio Banderas was a part of his life filmed. The film was shown teaching some Bronx students in ballroom dances such as rumba , tango , foxtrot , merengue, and swing . Before they only knew hip-hop dance and didn't really want to know anything about ballroom dancing . He didn't want to change her, but with his lessons he taught her what really matters in life: the ability to lead and follow - mutual respect and trust.

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