Pierre Martino

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Pierre Martino (born June 29, 1880 in Clermont-Ferrand ; † 1953 ) was a French Romance scholar, literary scholar and high administrative officer of the education system.

life and work

Martino attended schools in Lyon and Paris ( Lycée Louis-le-Grand ), studied at the École normal supérieure (1899-1902), passed the Agrégation and was a high school teacher in Constantine (1902-1904) and Algiers (1904-1907). He completed his habilitation in Paris in 1906 with the two theses L'Orient dans la littérature française au XVIIe siècle et au XVIIIe siècle (Paris 1906, 1970, 2011) and Ausone et les commencements du christianisme en Gaule (Alger 1906) and taught from 1910 to 1910 1933 at the University of Algiers (from 1924 as dean). Later he was rector of the academies (= regional administrative units of the entire educational system) of Poitiers (1933-1937), Algiers (1937-1941) and Aix-en-Provence (1941-1943), and from 1943 to 1946 professor at the University of Bordeaux and from 1946 until his retirement in 1952, Inspector General of Higher Education.

Other works

  • Le Roman réaliste sous le Second Empire, Paris 1913, Geneva 1972
  • Stendhal, Paris 1914, 1934, 1990
  • Le Naturalisme français (1870–1895), Paris 1923, 8th edition 1969
  • Verlaine, Paris 1924, 1930, 1944, 1951
  • Parnasse et symbolisme, Paris 1925, 9th edition 1954, 1970
  • (Eds.) Stendhal, Racine et Shakespeare, 2 vols., Paris 1925, 1967–1974, 1986
  • (Ed.) François Hédelin d'Aubignac, La pratique du théâtre, Alger 1927, Paris 1996
  • (Ed.) Stendhal, La Chartreuse de Parme, 2 vols., Paris 1928
  • (Ed.) Mérimée, Théâtre de Clara Gazul, Paris 1929
  • (with Edmond Eggli ) Le débat romantique en France 1813–1830. Pamphlets, manifestes, polémiques de presse, Paris 1933
  • L'époque romantique en France 1815–1830, Paris 1944, 6th edition 1967
  • (with J. Caillat) Littérature française. Histoire littéraire, textes choisis, 2 vols., Paris 1946–1947
  • (Ed.) Stendhal, Souvenirs d'égotisme, Paris 1954

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