Pierre Vallières

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Pierre Vallières (* 22 February 1938 in Montréal ; † 23. December 1998 ) was a Canadian political activist and Charles Gagnon one of the spiritual fathers of after the Quiet Revolution in Quebec incurred in 1960 separatist movement Front de libération du Québec (FLQ ).

He gained international fame as a journalist and writer , including with Nègres blancs d'Amérique , a historical documentary with Marxist polemics and solidarity with discriminated African Americans in the USA. Vallières demonstrated with a hunger strike in front of the UN in 1966 against the conditions in Québec. This earned him four years in prison as a member of the FLQ. Vallières then called for the armed struggle for the global uprising of the working class. Soon after the October crisis , he returned to Montréal in 1971, declared his renunciation of the militant fight and entered the Parti Québécois .


  • PV: Nègres blancs d'Amérique .
    • German (slightly shortened): Québec libre. Weisse Neger in Canada From the French- Canadian by Monika Bosse. March, Frankfurt 1969 (series: March archive 3)
      • Partial print in: MARCH texts 1 ibid. 1969; again in: MÄRZ-Texte 1 & Trivialmythen Area, Erftstadt 2004 ISBN 3899960297 (pp. 205–210 udT "The white negroes of America"; with photo of the author). Further editions in the USA and France (Maspero)