Pierre au Rey

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The pseudodolmen La Pierre au Rey
The pseudodolmen La Pierre au Rey

The so-called Dolmen Pierre au Rey (also Pierre Aurey , Dolmen du Trépied or Dolmen de la Vigie ) is located on a cliff near Flamanville on the Cotentin peninsula in the north-west of the Manche department in Normandy in France . It was first mentioned in 1833 by Leffilastre and Louis Ragonde .

Pierre au Rey consists of four large, round and some small rocks, does not clearly form a chamber and is at most a severely disturbed, unclassifiable megalithic complex . The structure, which was already classified as a historical monument in 1862 , was removed from the list in 2012. The Ministry of Culture now regards the rock pile as natural. This thesis was put forward as early as the 19th century. One theory is that the formation served as a navigation mark.

Some of the large rocks have been carved, including a human figure, but it is unknown whether they are old or more recent when the rocks were a customs watch post .

It is believed that there was another cliff dolmen at Corb to the north, which was destroyed before 1880 and of which there are no traces as it lies under the Flamanville nuclear power station .

There were also menhirs in the area , only names and dates of which survived. "La Pierre-aux-Serpents", the snake stone, was nine meters high and was destroyed around 1725. Another menhir, in the southeast at Percaillerie, was five meters high and was destroyed in 1890.

Pseudodolmen are known from different regions is Cova d'en Genís , Dolmen von Busnela , Dolmen von Chevresse , Dolmen von Solwaster , La Table des Géants in Reinhardsmunster and L'autel des Druides in Pfaffenheim (both in the department of Haut-Rhin) or Sparossino in Liguria.


  • Vincent Carpentier, Emmanuel Ghesquiére, Cyril Marcigny: Archéologie en Normandie . Edition Quest-France, Rennes 2007, ISBN 978-2-7373-4164-9 , ( Collection Histoire ).

Coordinates: 49 ° 31 '20.6 "  N , 1 ° 52' 58.8"  W.