Pieter van Empthusen

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Pieter van Empthusen (also Pieter van Emthusen ) was a Dutch sculptor of the Baroque .

life and work

In the years from 1678 to 1679, Pieter van Empthusen created various sculptures for the court of Hanover for the Thalern Prize in 2010 as images of Greek legends. In 1781 he came to Hanover personally from Nijmegen in order to oversee the installation of his sculptures on the ground floor of the garden theater and on the cascade in the Great Garden of Hanover-Herrenhausen until February 1682 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Kurt Morawietz (Ed.): Brilliant Herrenhausen. History of a Guelph residence and its gardens , Hannover: Steinbock-Verlag, 1981, pp. 105, 199 u.ö .; v. a. P. 108; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b Gert von der Osten (text), Hildegard Müller (photos): Images from three centuries in Hanover . Edited by the Kunstverein Hannover on its 125th anniversary, Hannover: Kunstverein, 1957, pp. 44–45