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Pingzhun ( Chinese  平 準 , Pinyin píngzhǔn  - “regulate-balance”) was “an old procedure on the part of the government to buy grain to prevent inflation in times of need”. Officials were established for this purpose as early as the Han Dynasty ( 平 準 官 , píngzhǔn guān ), but similar offices existed as early as the Warring States' times . Its main task was to stabilize the official prices:

„大 农 之 诸官 , 尽 笼 天下 之 货物 , 贵 即 卖 之 , 贱 则 买 之。 如此 , 富商 大 大 贾 无所 牟大利 , 则 反本 反本 , 而 万物 不得 腾 踊 , 故 抑 天下 物 , 名曰平 準。 (...) "

- 1. 古代 官府 平抑 物价 的 措施。 《史记 · 平 準 书》

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Rüdenberg (revised edition by Hans OH Stange): Chinese-German dictionary 華德 詞典 (Werner Rüdenberg 1963) Hamburg: Cram, de Gruyter & Co. 1963, p. 354, right column, a little below the middle.
  2. 平 準. December 29, 2013, accessed December 29, 2013 .