Piotr Kowalczak

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Piotr Kowalczak

Piotr Włodzimierz Kowalczak (born June 20, 1950 in Poznań ) is a Polish scientist working in the field of water management .


Piotr Kowalczak received his doctorate in 1982 at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Poznan and habilitated in 1989 at the University of Agricultural Sciences on the subject of hydrological assessment of the partial catchment areas of the upper networks using the method of non-hierarchical cluster analysis . From 1991 to 2007 he was Director of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Hydro-Meteorological Service (IMGW) , then Chairman of the Science Council of IMGW in Warsaw. Since 2008 he has been working at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań.

Piotr Kowalczak is a member of international scientific bodies such as WMO , IKSO and Baltex . In 1997, the then Brandenburg Prime Minister Manfred Stolpe awarded him the Oderflut Medal for his successful cooperation with German agencies . In 2002 he received the Polish Environment Minister's Prize for special scientific achievements in the field of protection, design and use of the environment and its resources for the work Hierarchy of land requirements for decentralized retention measures in the Warta catchment area .

Works (selection)

  • Kowalczak P., Farat R., Kępińska-Kasprzak M., Mager P .: Susze na obszarze Polski w latach 1951–1990 . (Drought in Poland from 1951–1990) Research material, series: Water management and water protection, nr 16, IMGW, Warszawa 1995. ISSN  0239-6238
  • Kowalczak P., Farat R., Kępińska-Kasprzak M., Kuźnicka M., Mager P .: Hierarchia potrzeb obszarowych malej retencji . (Hierarchy of land requirements for decentralized retention) Research material, series: Water management and water protection, nr 19, IMGW, Warszawa 1997. ISSN  0239-6238
  • Kowalczak P .: Conflicty o wodę . (Conflicts over water). Kurpisz Publishing House: Przeźmierowo 2007, ISBN 978-83-89738-99-8
  • Kowalczak P., Krauze G., Siudak R .: Nowe metody pomiarów i analiz stosowane w badaniach limnologicznych na przykładzie jeziora Sława . (New measurement and analysis methods used in research using the example of Lake Slava). Research material, series: Hydrology and Oceanography, nr 33, IMGW, Warszawa 2007. ISSN  0239-6297
  • Kowalczak P .: Zagrożenia związane z deficytem wody . (Hazards associated with water deficit). Kurpisz Publishing House: Przeźmierowo 2008, ISBN 978-83-7524-979-8
  • Kundzewicz ZW, Kowalczak P .: Zmiany klimatu i ich skutki . (Climate change and its consequences) Kurpisz publishing house: Przeźmierowo 2008. ISBN 978-83-7524-969-9
  • Kowalczak P., Nieznański P., Stańko R., Sanz MB, Mas FM: Natura 2000 a gospodarka wodna . ( Natura 2000 and water management) Polish Ministry of Environment, Warszawa 2009. ISBN 978-83-89994-02-8
  • Kundzewicz ZW, Kowalczak P .: The potential for water conflict is on the increase . Nature 459, 31 (May 6, 2009). ISSN  0028-0836 E- ISSN  1476-4687
  • Kowalczak P., Kundzewicz ZW: Water-related conflicts in urban areas . Hydrological Sciences Journal, Special Issue - Water Crisis and Conflicts, 2010. ISSN  0262-6667 E- ISSN  2150-3435
  • Kowalczak P .: Wodne dylematy urbanizacji . (Urbanization water dilemmas). Verlag Kurpisz 2010. ISBN 978-83-61014-24-9

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