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Piyama-Kurunta (better: Piyama-Kruntiya, Luwian : "given by Kruntiya "), was a son of Uḫḫaziti , the last king of Arzawa in the late 14th century BC. When the Hittite great king Muršili II marched against Arzawa, Piyama-Kurunta was sent by his sick father to the border river Aštarpa, where he was defeated by the Hittites in the battle of Walma. In the same year Muršili subjugated Apaša (most likely Ephesus ), the capital of Arzawa. Nothing is known about the further fate of Piyama-Kurunta. His brother Tapalazunauli , who fought against Mursili the following year, could not prevent the submission and complete destruction of the Arzawa kingdom.

Individual evidence

  1. Ilya S. Yakubovich: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian language . Dissertation, Chicago 2008, p. 98 ( PDF; 2.2 MB ).