Poster viewers per position

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The MA poster contact value poster viewer per position (PpS) is a measure of the quality of a poster location in the advertising industry. The value is part of the MA Intermedia of the German media analysis and describes the amount and quality of the perceptions in relation to location and time.


The PpS value describes the passage contact with a poster within one hour, weighted by K-value factors . It is determined for individual poster locations and is a measure of the advertising value of the respective location, whereby this value can be directly compared with values ​​of other types of media such as print, radio or television.

The value is based on three pillars. The distance covered, which was determined by means of a survey or GPS . Location-specific effective parameters of the advertising space, the so-called K-value as well as the frequency atlas developed by the outdoor advertising association with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and GfK , which lists the average number of pedestrians, drivers and public transport users for each street section. For the visibility weighting via the K-value, certain parameters of the location such as visibility, duration of possible perception, distance and distraction from the environment are evaluated and multiplied. As of January 1, 2013, the PpS will be a key factor in determining prices in poster advertising.


The MA poster contact value poster viewer per position in the media analysis working group is based on the media analysis ma 2007 poster . With around 66,000 representatively selected people, it was one of the largest mobility samples that had ever been collected in Germany, and in 2008 it received the award for “Best Study of the Year” from the Association of German Market and Social Researchers (BVM). This investigation enabled a large number of further evaluations that were previously not possible on the basis of the G-value purchasing index, such as the identification of commuter contacts and analysis according to target groups. In the German media analysis, the PpS value in the Ma poster from 2013 replaced the G value developed by GfK market research from the poster media manlyse (PMA) of the outdoor advertising association.


  • Fachverband Außenwerbung eV: The media analysis “ma poster” and its contact value Pp . ( [PDF]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b The PpS the key currency for posters. Fachverband Außenwerbung eV, accessed on February 5, 2019 .
  2. a b Manuel Kollmann: The treatment of systems for outdoor advertising in public building law . Nomos Verlag, 2018, ISBN 978-3-8452-9671-5 , pp. 53 ff . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. ^ Jörg Tropp: Modern Marketing Communication. System - process - management . Springer, 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-92802-9 , pp. 401 ( limited preview in Google Book search).