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Opuntia microdasys
Euphorbia dawei
Euphorbia enterophora

Platycladia or cladodia are green, flat widened long shoots (main shoots ) that have completely or partially taken over photosynthesis in plants with reduced leaves (false leaves). You are through metamorphosisoriginated from the cylindrical shoots of related plants and usually look very similar to them. It is not uncommon for there to be species with none, weakly and strongly flattened sprouts within a family. In plants with angular shoots, a reduction in the edges "from the inside to the outside" can sometimes be observed, so that the trunks are polygonal, main branches narrow, secondary branches are winged triangular and the outermost branches are leaf-shaped, two-edged and thus real platycladia. The term cladody is also occasionally used.

For example, platycladia occur in the following families and genera .

Similar and therefore often confused with platycladia

In the literature, the alternative spelling “platycladium” or “platycladiene” can sometimes be found.

Individual evidence

  1. Duden. The foreign dictionary, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim 1974