Plazadels and Wachters Dieja

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Stables in Wachters Dieja with a view of the Gauertal

Plazadels and Wachters Dieja are two Maisäß settlements in the Gauertal in the municipality of Tschagguns .

In the summer of 2000, both Maisäß areas were researched, on the one hand in terms of documentation, on the other hand with the desire to sensitize the population to recognize and preserve the facility as a cultural landscape. Andreas Rudigier organized an exhibition in the Montafon local history museum Schruns. Andrea Banas and Peter Banas developed a film documentary with info film in Feldkirch.

The meadow slopes of the Maisäß areas of Plazadels and Wachters Dieja lie on the valley side to the left of the Rasafei stream . They are each surrounded by the forest and facing south-east from the sun. The slopes consist of deposits from the last Ice Age and are separately and extensively unstable and in motion . Post-Ice Age relief processes are assumed for the movements at Plazadels , as a result of which the buildings there are partly tilted backwards towards the mountain. At Wachters Dieja , it is assumed that bank erosion undermines the cone area on the mountain side, which causes the above masses to slide or sag, and in addition, small channels cross over during heavy rainfall and cause damage, which the torrent and avalanche control measures took.

The clearing and settlement of the Maisäß areas was at the beginning of the 17th century. The Walsers who moved in settled in the still free high areas and thus introduced the three-tier economy and changed cattle from one stable to another several times per vegetation period. The maize jars are the middle position, where, depending on the weather in May to June, people sit down for a few weeks before the cattle come to the alp for the summer. The oldest felling dates of timber - determined by tree ring analysis - were found in the case of property E in Plazadels with 1606/07 and with property K in Wachters Dieja with 1613/14. From 1950 two developments became apparent. Unused objects have decayed and disappeared. Other objects have been preserved and have been changed in use for rental as a summer retreat.

The Plazadels settlement consists of four houses, five barns and a hay barn. The Wachters Dieja settlement consists of three Maisäß houses as residential buildings with stables. There are also four stables for keeping cattle with barges for hay. A barge just for storing hay is at the lower end of the meadow so that you don't have to carry it far up when bringing in the hay.

Due to an ordinance by the Tschagguns community, all buildings on Wachters Dieja may only be covered with wooden shingles.


  • Barbara Keiler, Klaus Pfeifer (eds.): Plazadels and Wachters Dieja. Maisäß settlements in the Gauertal. Montafoner Schriftenreihe 2, Heimatschutzverein im Tale Montafon , Schruns 2001, ISBN 3-901833-13-7 .
  • Leo Walser: Rehabilitation and maintenance concept 1994 for the Maisäß area Plazadels / Wachters Dieja in the Gauertal. Implementation record after 25 years. In: montafon MUSEUMS. Annual report 2019. Montafon museums, Montafon heritage protection association , Montafon archive. Pp. 93-96.

Individual evidence

  1. Chapter I, introduction by Renate Madritsch , state curator of the Federal Monuments Office, see literature Keiler / Pfeifer 2001, p. 7.
  2. Chapter II, Basics of Natural Spaces, by Sven Fuchs, Margreth Keiler and Klaus Pfeifer, see literature Keiler / Pfeifer 2001, p. 11f.
  3. Chapter III, History of the Maisäßwirtschaft by Barbara Keiler, Gertraud König and Klaus Pfeifer, see literature Keiler / Pfeifer 2001, p. 15ff
  4. Object catalog, see literature Keiler / Pfeifer 2001, pp. 29–69.

Coordinates: 47 ° 3 '29.2 "  N , 9 ° 51' 2.4"  E