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Plethora ( Greek πληθώρα plethóra , German 'fullness, overflow, enough' ) describes a symptom that is associated with an increase in the volume of a body fluid .

As Plethora vera ( "true abundance", even plethora sanguine ), an increased congestion with increased blood formation called. Causes are an increase in blood cells such as in polycythemia vera (as a myeloproliferative neoplasm with an increase in red and white blood cells and platelets ), but also secondary polyglobules as a result of increased oxygen demand in respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, an increased production of erythropoietin for various reasons or a Pickwick syndrome (a breathing disorder caused by being excessively obese).

The expression of a plethora is a reddened face and bluish-red mucous membranes ( cyanosis ).

See also