Pocket Internet Explorer

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Pocket Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 10 start icon.svg
Pocket Internet Explorer 4.png
Pocket Internet Explorer 4
Basic data

developer Microsoft
Publishing year November 1996
Current  version 4.0
operating system Windows CE
category Mobile browser
License non-free software license
German speaking Yes

The Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) is a with Windows Mobile (based on Windows CE) Included Web browser , the display of web pages on PDAs and smart phones with this operating system allowed.

The PIE was designed by Microsoft independently of Internet Explorer and has significantly fewer functions than its big brother.


  • Pocket Internet Explorer 1 (first release)
  • Pocket Internet Explorer 1.1 (with support for cookies , HTTPS and SSL )
  • Pocket Internet Explorer 2 (with support for offline operation, image enlargement and improved HTML support such as frames and tables )
  • Pocket Internet Explorer 3 (with support for JScript and various security protocols)
  • Pocket Internet Explorer 4 (with support for ActiveX, CSS, VBScript and improved SSL)

Compare Pocket Internet Explorer with desktop Internet Explorer

feature Pocket Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0
Used space 2.2 MB at least 15 MB
To press not possible with preview
Favorites Yes Yes
HTML source code view No Yes
User agent Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01;
Windows CE; PPC; 240 × 320)
Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0)
Offline operation Can be retrofitted Pre-installed

Individual evidence

  1. Pocket Internet Explorer Features