Pocket PC magazine

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Pocket PC magazine

description Computer magazine
publishing company Bikini Verlag GmbH, Aschheim
First edition 2000
Frequency of publication bi-monthly, in the meantime monthly
Editor-in-chief Gerhard Bauer
editor Gerhard Bauer
Web link pocket-pc-magazin.de
ISSN (print)

The Pocket PC Magazine was a bimonthly German computer magazine , on topics related to Pocket PCs specialized. The magazine appeared monthly between the 11/05 and 03/08 issues; this was then changed back to a two-month cycle.

The magazine was published by Bikini Verlag GmbH. The publisher and editor-in-chief Gerhard Bauer is also a partner in Bikini Verlag GmbH.

The magazine appeared since 2000; early editions from the year 2000 appeared under the title "Windows-CE-Magazin".

The last issue of the magazine was 1/09. The magazine was discontinued with this issue. The topics were to be incorporated into the NOTEBOOK Organizer & Handy , also published by Bikini Verlag , which was also done in issue 3–4 / 2009. This issue was also the last issue of the magazine.

Individual evidence

  1. See insidepda.de ( Memento of the original from May 15, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.insidepda.de