Poetics lecture

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Cover of the poetry lectures by Patrick Roth

Lectures on poetry have been set up at various universities. They offer writers the opportunity to present their poetological views as part of a series of lectures . As a rule, a well-known author deals with questions about poetic practice and its conditions for a semester under a title of his own choosing. Usually the lectures are published afterwards. The Frankfurt Poetics Lectures , which have existed since the winter semester 1959/60 (and are also financed by publishers), are decisive for the German-speaking area . The first lecturer was Ingeborg Bachmann . But other universities, for example in Bamberg , Hildesheim and Innsbruck , offer lectures on poetics. The TU Dresden has held a Chamisso poetics lectureship for migrant literature since 2001 .

See also

Secondary literature

  • Assmann, David-Christopher: "Intoxication and work, hard work. John von Düffel's authentication gesture", in: Seminar. A Journal of Germanic Studies 47.3 (2011), pp. 365–378.
  • Basker, David: "'Key scenes of experience': (Dis) location in the Prose Work of Hans-Ulrich Treichel", in: ders. (Ed.), Hans-Ulrich Treichel (= Contemporary German Writers), Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2004, pp. 37-60.
  • Bohley, Johanna: "On the boom of the genre poetics lecture as" Form for nothing "", in: Schöll, Julia / Bohley, Johanna (ed.), The first decade. Narratives and poetics of the 21st century, Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann 2012, pp. 227-242.
  • Meiser, Katharina: The Poetics Lecture as a Place of Negotiation for Opportunities for Political Participation, in: Bock, Bettina M./Dreesen, Philipp (ed.), Language and Participation in Past and Present, Bremen: Hempen Verlag 2018, pp. 109–126.
  • Meiser, Katharina: Dimensions of the Political in Poetics Lectures, in: Neuhaus, Stefan / Nover, Immanuel (ed.), The Political in Contemporary Literature, Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2019, pp. 163–182.
  • Schmitz-Emans, Monika: "Reflections on presence. Poetics lectures as experiments with the self and with time", in: dies. u. a. (Ed.), Comparative Literature as Human Science. Festschrift for Manfred Schmeling's 65th birthday. With the collaboration of Hans-Joachim Backe u. a., Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann 2008, pp. 377-386.
  • Schmitz-Emans, Monika u. a. (Ed.): Poetics. Authors - texts - terms. With the collaboration of Kai Fischer u. a. 2009.
  • Ulrich Volk: The poetological discourse of the present. Studies on the contemporary understanding of poetics, presented using selected examples from the Frankfurt Foundation Guest Lecturer on Poetics (= Frankfurter Hochschulschriften zur Sprachtheorie und Literaturästhetik , Volume 13), Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2003, ISBN 978-3-631-50474-1 (Dissertation University of Frankfurt am Main 2002, 467 pages).