Pollis (sculptor)

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Pollis ( ancient Greek Πόλλις ) was a Greek sculptor of unknown time.

He is known from the Naturalis historia of Pliny , in which he is named as an arch-builder who created statues of athletes, warriors, hunters and sacrificers.

It has been speculated that he was the father of the vase painter and potter Euthymides from the 6th / 5th centuries. Century BC Who gave his works the corrupt patronym of Πολ [...] . It was also considered that he would work with the architect Pollis of the same name from the 4th century BC mentioned in Vitruvius . To be equated.



  1. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 91.
  2. ZB IG ³ 658 .
  3. ^ Vitruvius 7, praefatio, 14.