Polish Congress in Germany

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The Polish Congress in Germany eV (Polish Kongres Polonii w Niemczech ) is a registered association . It was founded on February 15, 1992 as a result of the signing of the German-Polish Treaty on Good Neighborhood and Friendly Cooperation on June 17, 1991. The congress was established as a union of Polish organizations in Germany for the purpose of protecting and representing the interests of Polish organizations vis-à-vis the authorities.


Since 1998, the association has belonged as one of the four umbrella organizations - in addition to the Union of Poles "Zgoda" in the FRG eV, the Christian Center for the Promotion of the Polish Language, Culture and Tradition in Germany and the Federal Association of Polish Council in Germany eV to the Polish Convention Organizations in Germany . Its representatives take part in official consultations with the Polish and German governments. In the Convention of Polish Organizations, the Polish Congress is responsible for the media presence of the organizations: on the Internet, on the radio and in print media.

In 2009 a total of 31 associations and groups belonged to the association in Germany, although not all of them act as registered associations. It includes professional associations, cultural associations, sports clubs and social institutions, among others.

Internationally, the Polish Congress in Germany belongs to the European Union of Polish Communities, founded in 1993 and based in Brussels, where it is represented in the Council of Presidents of the EPPG by its chairman. Furthermore, the Polish Congress in Germany is a member of the World Council of Polonia , based in Toronto (Canada).


The most important external goals of the congress are the maintenance of the good reputation of both nations and the mutual spiritual and economic enrichment. The congress promotes the dissemination of knowledge of Polish history , culture and the current life of Poles in Germany, as well as the development of cultural activities, cultivation of the Polish language and Polish customs and traditions, which should serve the German-Polish rapprochement. The congress represents the interests of the organizations as well as the people who are of Polish origin or profess the Polish language, culture or tradition towards the German and Polish states. The congress protects the interests of these organizations and persons vis-à-vis the municipal and state administration while observing the law and the loyal fulfillment of civil obligations arising from the German Basic Law and the treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on good neighbors and friendly cooperation dated Surrendered June 17, 1991. The congress aims to balance the rights and social benefits of the Polonia, ie Poles living in Germany and people with a Polish cultural background in Germany, as enjoyed by the German minority in Poland . Internally, the Polish Congress in Germany supports cultural activities, maintaining the Polish language and the tradition of Poles in Germany. The main purpose of the congress is to consult, coordinate and inspire the activities of organizations in Germany that profess the Polish language, culture or tradition. In the field of media, the congress is responsible for creating and maintaining the Internet presence of Polish organizations with the aim of bringing these and outstanding personalities with a Polish cultural background closer to the German public.

See also

Poland in Germany

Web links