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Pompilus cinereus

Pompilus cinereus

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Vespoidea
Family : Wasps (Pompilidae)
Subfamily : Pompilinae
Genre : Pompilus
Scientific name
Fabricius , 1798

Pompilus is a genus of the wasps (Pompilidae). In Europe there is only one species, the lead gray wasp ( Pompilus cinereus (Fabricius, 1775)).


The species of the genus Pompilus are small to medium-sized wasps, the body of which is black and has gray fuzz around it. The large compound eyes are slightly divergent below. The convex face plate ( clypeus ) is short and wide. Their apical edge is rounded. The forehead plate and the face are gray-colored. The labrum has a more or less concave edge and is partially covered by the front plate. The mandibles are long and have an additional tooth. The maxillary palps are long. The metapostnotum is much shorter than the metanotum , but longer in males than in females. It is almost completely covered by the metanotum. The back of the propodeum is elongated and has an elongated groove. The forewings are more or less brownish in color. The top has a brownish ribbon. The wing mark ( pterostigma ) is large. The legs have short thorns. The tarsi of the front legs have tarsal ridges in the females, the individual thorns of which are long and at the end widened and flattened. The claws have no teeth.

Way of life

The wasps are typical inhabitants of sandy habitats. The females create their nests in the ground. They hunt spiders of the families Araneidae , Atypidae , Clubionidae , Gnaphosidae , Lycosidae , Pisauridae , Salticidae , Thomisidae and Miturgidae .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Pompilus at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved May 29, 2011
  2. ^ A b Bogdan Wiśniowski: Spider-hunting wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Poland. Ojców National Park, Ojców 2009, ISBN 83-60337-15-4 .


  • Bogdan Wiśniowski: Spider-hunting wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Poland. Ojców National Park, Ojców 2009, ISBN 83-60337-15-4 .