Porta Ardeatina

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Presumed remains of the Porta Ardeatina in Rome.

The Porta Ardeatina was probably a gate in the Aurelian Wall in Rome , built between 271 and 275 AD, and was located at the point where the Via Ardeatina passed the wall, i.e. in the southern section of the wall. However, such a gate has not been handed down. Since the wall in the area of ​​the presumed location was destroyed in 1538 by the construction of the bastion of Antonio di Sangallo , there are only indications based on drawings that a gate could have been there. Nothing is known about the size and importance of the facility. According to the testimony of Poggio Bracciolini , the gate mentioned bore an inscription by Honorius and was therefore part of the extensive renovation work on the Aurelian Wall. In that case, however, the gate should have had a certain size and significance. The small, inconspicuous opening in the Aurelian wall, which is associated with the porta Ardeatina , would not meet this criterion.


Web links

Commons : Porta Ardeatina  - collection of images, videos and audio files