Portland Hempstalk Festival

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Visitors to the Hempstalk (2007)

The Portland Hempstalk Festival is an annual festival in Portland , Oregon , USA . The festival, which has been held since 2005, takes place on the weekend after Labor Day and is intended to promote the legalization of cannabis and cannabis products. In addition to food stands and live music, there are also information stands.

In the first years of its existence up to 20,000 visitors came, in the last up to 40,000. Since cannabis was consumed at the festival despite requests to the contrary by the organizers, the festival had to move several times within the city over the years, as it was not given a new permit to be held a second time in the same park. Speakers at the festival included John Trudell , representative of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, and hemp activist Jack Herer . The 2009 festival was overshadowed by the fact that the latter suffered a heart attack in the backstage area in 2009.

Web links

Commons : Portland Hempstalk Festival  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Jack Herer, the father of the hemp renaissance, is dead. , Zweiausendeins.de in April 2010 ( Memento from April 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive )