Test engineer

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A test engineer (abbreviation: PI ) is a person who is entrusted by an officially recognized monitoring organization (aaÜO) and in whose name he works. The main tasks of test engineers include general inspections and safety tests on vehicles i. S. d. § 29 StVZO and the creation of change acceptance according to § 19 Abs. 3 StVZO.

Legal basis

The legal basis for the recognition of monitoring organizations and their employees is regulated in Annex VIIIb of the StVZO .

The test engineers are not to be confused with the officially recognized experts or testers who are employed by the technical test centers (TP). Depending on the level of authorization, they may also carry out "individual inspections" according to Section 21 StVZO and driving license tests. Technical test centers are operated by TÜV in the old federal states and by Dekra in the new federal states (special case Berlin: TÜV and DEKRA).

Definition of the test engineer

see also: Number 3.9 of Annex VIIIb StVZO:

The motor vehicle experts entrusted with the implementation of the HU, AU and SP and their employees are referred to as test engineers (PI) within the meaning of this ordinance.

Requirements for test engineers

see also: Number 3 of Annex VIIIb StVZO:

  • Minimum age 23 years
  • mentally and physically suitable, as well as reliable (police clearance certificate )
  • Holders of all driving license classes with the exception of D and D1
  • Completed degree (at least FH) in mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, vehicle technology or electrical engineering
  • Employee of an officially recognized monitoring organization (aaÜO)
  • at least six months of training (regularly supplemented by two months of additional training for change acceptance)
  • professional suitability proven by official examination
  • Approval of entrustment by the competent authority under state law

Test Engineer Powers

  • Main inspections according to § 29 StVZO
  • Safety checks according to § 29 StVZO
  • Investigation of the engine management and emission control system according to Annex VIII and VIIIa StVZO
  • Investigations on vehicles for commercial passenger transport according to §41 and 42 BOKraft
  • Extension of the ADR approval certificate ( dangerous goods transporter ) in accordance with GGVSE § 6 Paragraph 10
  • Acceptance of changes according to § 19 Abs. 3 StVZO
  • Expert opinion for obtaining the classic car status according to § 23 StVZO ( classic car report for H license plates and 07 license plates)
  • Gas system installation tests and recurring gas system tests according to § 41a StVZO
  • Expert opinion in accordance with Section 5, Paragraph 3 of the FZV (expert opinion on the conformity of a vehicle with the regulations by order of an authority, e.g. according to the " Deficiency Card ")
  • Expert opinion on the correction of the vehicle documents in accordance with Section 13 (1) FZV
  • Confirmation for Tempo 100 suitability of trailers according to the 9th AusnVO StVO
  • Creation of data sheets for the registration of vehicles with EC type approval that were previously registered abroad