Prince Eugen equestrian monument

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Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 21.2 "  N , 16 ° 21 ′ 51.5"  E

General view of the monument on Heroes' Square
The equestrian statue of Prince Eugene

The Prinz-Eugen-Reiterdenkmal is an equestrian statue, unveiled in 1865, of the general of the House of Austria, Eugene of Savoy, known as Prince Eugene . It is on Heldenplatz in the Austrian capital Vienna .


The listed bronze sculpture is the work of the sculptor Anton Dominik Fernkorn and his pupil Franz Pönninger . Fernkorn was still decisively involved in the models for the Eugene Monument despite a stroke , but after a second stroke in 1862 he had to leave the further work to Pönninger. The arsenal provided 448 quintals of ore for the construction of the monument, which cost 310,953  fl . The monument was inaugurated on October 18, 1865 by Emperor Franz Joseph I on the occasion of the 202nd birthday of Eugene of Savoy.


The four-sided rectangular base with corner volutes stands on a four-sided pedestal with beveled corners and was designed by Van der Nüll and Sicardsburg and worked by the Viennese master stonemason, Joseph Kranner. It is decorated with inscription panels and bronze appliqués with figures, fruits, coats of arms and battle names. On the back is the coat of arms of the Savoy with lions.

Inscriptions on the monument:

  • Front top: Prinz Eugen the noble knight
  • including: Erected by Emperor Franz Josef I in 1865
  • Left: The wise advisor to three emperors
  • Right: The glorious victor over Austria's enemies

On the plinth from Untersberger Veitlbruch lies field equipment with a crescent moon and on it stands the equestrian statue, which shows the prince riding on a horse standing on his hind legs - which is supported by the tail for static reasons.

Web links

Commons : Prinz-Eugen-Reiterdenkmal  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Prince Eugene of Savoy Monument ; accessed on February 27, 2014
  2. Alphons Lhotsky : The building history of the museums and the new castle . Das Kaiserforum, S 66/67, Verlag Ferdinand Berger, Vienna 1941.
  3. Two men on horseback choose the "Heldenplatz" ; accessed on February 27, 2014
  4. ^ A b Stone consciousness I : the public representation of state and national identity of Austria in its monuments, Volume 1, Stefan Riesenfellner Böhlau Verlag Vienna 1998, page 142; accessed on February 27, 2014
  5. Archduke Carl Monument and Prince Eugene Monument ( Memento of the original from November 2, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; accessed on February 27, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /