Privatus of Mende

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Privatus von Mende (French Saint-Privat ; † around 258 in Mende ) was according to tradition in the 3rd century the first bishop of Javols in Gaul ; in the 10th century the bishopric was moved to today's town of Mende.


Gregory of Tours reports at the end of the 6th century that Privatus was a pupil of St. Austremonius came to the Gabaloren as a missionary , as the population of the sparsely populated Gévaudan was called at that time. When the Alemanni invaded the country under Chrocus , he retired to a hermitage and hid in caves; eventually he was captured and tortured anyway. When the Gabalors swore obedience to the Alemanni, he was released; however, he died shortly afterwards as a result of his torture.


Around the same time as Gregory of Tours, Venantius Fortunatus writes that Privatus was revered as a miracle worker. Already in the 7th century his worship was widespread in Spain. Fragments of relics came to the cathedral of Saint-Denis near Paris in 632 ; later also to the Salonnes monastery near Metz and in the 10th century to St. Pantaleon in Cologne.

A church was built on the site of Privatus' tomb in today's city of Mende, which was replaced hundreds of years later by Pope Urban V with the Mende Cathedral , which received double patronage when it was consecrated in 1467 ( Notre-Dame et Saint-Privat ). Three places and numerous churches in France bear the name Saint-Privat ; his feast day is August 21.


In the few known depictions of Privatus, he wears the bishop's robe - in terms of iconography, he does not differ from many other bishops, which is why his statues must be labeled.

Web links

Commons : Saint Privat  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. André Duchesne dated Privatus' martyrdom in the 17th century during the reign of Emperor Constantine (r. 306–337).
  2. ^ Matthias Untermann: The "oratorium" of St. Privatus at St. Pantaleon in Cologne