Proales daphnicola

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Proales daphnicola
Slightly compressed representation from the first description

Slightly compressed representation from the first description

without rank: Bilateria
without rank: Primordial mouths (protostomia)
Over trunk : Jawbearer (Gnathifera)
Trunk : Rotifers (Rotatoria)
Genre : Rotiferous parasites ( Proales )
Type : Proales daphnicola
Scientific name
Proales daphnicola
Thompson , 1892

Proales daphnicola is a species of the genus Proales from the tribe of the rotifers (Rotatoria).

In contrast to its relative Proales werneckii , Proales daphnicola does not live parasitically , but synecally on the carapace of water fleas, where it feeds on bells , mushrooms , flagellates and unicellular green algae .


The body of Proales daphnicola is spindle-shaped, the widest point corresponds to about a third of the length. The head is short, wide and obliquely flattened at the front. It is separated from the abdomen by a constriction. The foot is two-part, the first part is longer and wider than the following, last part. The two toes are relatively short and blunt. They each end in a tubule through which the mucous glands release their secretion.


Individual evidence

  1. Max Voigt, Walter Koste: Rotatoria, the rotifers of Central Europe. 1978


  • Heinz Streble , Dieter Krauter : Life in a drop of water. Microflora and microfauna of freshwater. An identification book. 9th, revised and expanded edition. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-440-08431-0 .
  • Percy G. Thompson: Notes on the parasitic tendency of rotifers of the genus Proales; with an account of a new species. Hardwicke's Science-Gossip, XXVIII, pp. 219-220, 1892

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