Manufacturing B2B

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The production-related trade , short PVH means a wholesale form that combines two different stages of production of industrial value chains.

Definition and implementation

Products and goods, e.g. B. tools, construction articles and products, industrial pre-products or semi-finished products, steel or other materials are obtained from a manufacturer (production company) from PVH wholesalers and sold to industrial, construction or craft companies for the purpose of processing and / or processing (Production).

In addition to some large market players, e.g. B. in the areas of plumbing, heating, electrical or even steel, the industry is particularly medium-sized with owner-managed family businesses. Many wholesalers are therefore grouped together in large purchasing associations, e.g. B. at NORDWEST Handel AG , the E / D / E - Purchasing Office Deutscher Eisenhandel GmbH , Hagebau , EUROBAUSTOFF or Union Haustechnik.

The retail trade is a mixed form of different types of wholesalers, so there is often a combination of delivery wholesalers (primary sales form) with pick-up wholesalers (supplementary sales form). In addition, the products are often assembled (sawing, cutting to length) or processed in other ways (e.g. steel shot peening, painting / coating, mechanical processing, welding work)

Branded products from leading manufacturers are mainly sold in retail stores. In competition with PVH (and your branded suppliers), there is therefore so-called direct sales, in which either a wholesaler has the products manufactured himself (under his own name) or a manufacturer takes over the distribution of the products to commercial end users himself.

The term "full-range supplier" is used by many PVH wholesalers, but sometimes means a particularly wide range of products, sometimes a particular depth of assortment.

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