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Prohorius was the first bishop of Krakow in the 10th century.

He was mentioned in two annals as the first bishop of Krakow. The time and circumstances of his term of office are controversial.

According to Piotr Biliński, he officiated from 969 to 986, according to the Monumenta Poloniae historica only from 970. According to this dating, the diocese of Krakow existed for a few years before the Roman Catholic diocese of Prague was established in 973 through an agreement between Boleslav II and Emperor Otto I. as well as the Regensburg Bishop Wolfgang was founded. Since Lesser Poland and Kraków had belonged to Bohemia since the middle of the 10th century , Prohorius was then subordinate to Thietmar von Prag , who was consecrated in January 976 , who died on January 2, 982 and was succeeded by Adalbert of Prague .

According to Józef Widajewicz, both Prohorius and Proculphus were Greek collaborators of the Slav apostle Method of Salonika . According to this dating, the term of office of Prohorius would be set from the Orthodox baptism of the Wislanes and their prince in the years 875 to 880. A baptismal font from this period has been archaeologically proven in Wiślica , another Wislan residence next to Kraków.

According to the annals of the Krakow Cathedral Chapter, Prohorius was succeeded by Proculphus from 1267, after Piotr Biliński in 986, after Józef Widajewicz in the early 10th century.


  • Piotr Biliński: Żywoty sławnych Biskupów Krakowskich Prohor i Prokulf . In: Tygodnik Salwatorski , No. 21/231, May 23, 1999 digitized version

Individual evidence

  1. Monumenta Poloniae Historica. T. 1 Red .: August Bielowski, Lwów 1864, p. 828: “970. Prohorius primus episcopus Cracoviae ordinatur. " Online (accessed March 3, 2017)
  2. ^ Regensburg, document dated April 29, 1086 (border description of the diocese of Prague). In: Regesta Imperii RIplus Regg. EB Mainz 1 [after 1263] (online ; accessed on March 4, 2017): “ Wezilo ([Archbishop of Mainz] 1084-1088) ... intervener at k. Henry IV, who confirmed the unification of the Olomouc bishopric with the Prague bishopric and exactly confirmed the boundaries of the thus expanded Prague bishopric. "
  3. Jaroslav Kadlec: Založení pražského biskupství. Roztoky 1971
  4. Michal Lutovský, Zdeněk Petráň: Slavníkovci - mýtus českého dějepisectví . Prague 2004, ISBN 80-7277-291-0
  5. Jozef Widajewicz: Pierwsze biskupstwa w Polsce. In: Polonia sacra 5/1952, pp. 132-152, cf. Table of Contents, No. 153 (accessed March 6, 2017)
  6. Monumenta Poloniae Historica ( Pomniki Dziejowe Polski ), Series nova, t. 5, Najdawniejsze roczniki krakowskie i kalendarz, Warszawa 1978, pp. VIII-LXI